20th Day

Posted: December 10, 2010 in Internet Marketing

12-10-10 Friday

Kim and I went over some tools on WordPress on Wednesday night after I posted my last entry. We experimented and played around quite a bit just to gain some knowledge on how it all works. Linking affiliates was a big part of our night. We are figuring out which affiliate programs to use, how often to use links and how we want to link them. The biggest concern, and most frustrating, is how to get traffic to our blogs. We have done a fair amount of research on this, but not getting too much accomplished in this area. I do know we will figure this out and at this point I am just spinning my wheels and not branching out to other resources because I am being too stubborn.

Kim bought a book on Thursday called “WordPress for Dummies” and he tells me it is a very informational book. He started reading it and knows that it is a very good investment so I am excited to read it for myself. We will be getting together on Sunday to discuss our business and then I will be able to get caught up with Kim on the WordPress book he bought and what he has learned so far. I had to work two different shifts on Thursday at one of my jobs and was too tired to invest much time in our internet marketing venture.

Friday is here. I slept all night Thursday night and most of the day Friday.  I am more than anxious to dive into my business and get some things figured out. I am hoping after being well rested I can concentrate better and get a lot of research accomplished. We still continue to fine tune our blog sites and add content periodically. My main focus for the evening is to learn as much as possible about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I am going to forget about everything else for the night as this has been most frustrating to me.

The New Rules of Marketing and PR: How to Use Social Media, Blogs, News Releases, Online Video, and Viral Marketing to Reach Buyers Directly, 2nd Edition

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