Still plugging away on day 18.

Posted: December 8, 2010 in Internet Marketing

12-8-10 Wednesday

My concentration over the last few days has been weak.  I have been working many hours and sleeping very little, this has been my life for the last few days. I shouldn’t complain because I only have two jobs now and have been called in three times this week already at one of them.  Although I need these jobs to keep me on my feet, I despise going to work now more than ever. Working for someone else is just plain and simple not for me. People that enjoy working for other people, my hat is off to you. Some might say that I’m looking for a lazy way to make a living. This quite simply is not true, I want self fulfillment and satisfaction. Researching affiliate marketing and other internet marketing business ideas is not lazy. I would not say it is overly difficult, but it takes time and energy. One point I wanted to bring up in several of my blogs is my usage of ‘me’, ‘I’, ‘we’, ‘us’, etc…. This is my blog, but this business is our business and I use those words interchangeably. Kim and I both work very hard at this and sometimes I leave him out when I’m writing because I am blogging alone and get involved deeply by myself. I then have Kim edit my blogs and return them to me for final submission. My writing skills are not professional by any means and I am well aware of that and in time they will improve and/or I will have my writing edited in more detail. Right or wrong or somewhere in between, my thoughts about working for someone else are just how I feel and I swear that someday I will work for myself. I absolutely LOVE the idea of working in network and affiliate marketing. I also may confuse some people when I blog about internet marketing. Network marketing is more closely associated with MLM (Multi-Level Marketing). Affiliate marketing is based on setting up links and referring people to an online store and getting a commission for items they purchase. Now that is just a simple and quick way to explain the difference and I apologize if I ever use the incorrect terminology. Internet marketing is what I will use most often when talking about the business as it is more general. Affiliate and network marketing go much deeper then what I explained and through the course of my business venture with Kim you will understand this better if you don’t already understand it for yourself.

Internet marketing is my main focus and ultimately will be my only focus from a business standpoint. Sleep is of no real importance to me, it probably should be due to my lack of concentration. I spend almost every waking hour on this business when I’m not at one of my jobs. I also spend many hours that I should not be awake. Currently, I am in the process of fine tuning my blog site for appearance and adding affiliate links. SEO (Search Engine Optimization), keywords, traffic, website submission and web hosting are some other terms associated with this business that I am learning more about and trying to utilize to its utmost potential. Another aspect of this business is creating my own website which is something I am starting to do when I am not working on my blog. The site I’m creating is early in development and the specific direction I am going to go with it has yet to be determined.

My last blog entry was on Monday. I spent quite a bit of Monday night tweaking my blog and struggling with linking affiliates. Affiliate linking really isn’t that tough, I am making it more difficult than needed. I signed up for commission Junction and Linkshare to get the ball rolling. These are two programs that work with affiliate companies and it is kind of one stop for all when looking for affiliate programs. Many affiliate programs are not linked to these two companies. My search for affiliate programs will continue and some of the best affiliate programs are directly through the company one finds appealing. Monday was also a night I looked through my Twitter account and read some other people’s profiles that are involved in this industry of marketing. Social networking is huge and very important, an ABSOLUTE MUST!  Twitter is really the only one I am using right now and will be looking into how to get the most out of Facebook soon. Having enough knowledge and content is important and I wanted enough of both before setting up social networking. I am excited to be able to dive into this now. This is about all for Monday night other than I was involved in watching the football game that night and my partner was getting skunked once again at Cribbage.

Tuesday was a long day as I worked two jobs and did not get much accomplished in our business. I did figure a few neat little things out on WordPress so I am pretty excited about that. They are just a few editing ideas and making the appearance better. Anyway, Tuesday was pretty uneventful and I tried to go to sleep early. I couldn’t sleep very well as this business is always on my mind and then.  I finally did fall asleep for a few short hours and had to wake up to banging noises early this morning that my landlord’s wife was making. I’m still not sure what the banging was about although I do know she was supposed to make lefsa and if that noise is for making lefsa, she has made TOO MUCH over the last few weeks. After that I was called into work, which was good because I need the money and now I’m home finishing up the entry. Now it is time to show Kim a few things on WordPress and get him caught up a little bit on where I’m at and also see where he is at on his blog.

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